Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Example Project of Condition in ASP.Net

Condition on ASP.Net, there's 2 divisions: using if() and switch()
using switch seems like selection program, there's the example Project:

1. Make a New Project and name it VolumeObjects, or whatever you want:

2. Insert this scripts:
3. and the output will be seen like this:
you can add your menu with your style, good luck :)

Design And Validation Form ASP.Net

  On this thread i want to share ASP.Net tutorial about Validation Form, follow 
the tutorial carefully :)

1. Make a New Project, choose Windows Forms Application, give it name FormVal 
   or whatever do you want, locate it on your folder project.

2. On Left side you'll see the Toolbox and add any components: Label, TextBox, Button, ProgressBar and ErrorProvider.
3. And then we'll inputing scripts inside Button, with Right Click it and Choose View Code or F7.
4. Write this scripts inside button Execute :
5. Try to input with complete:
6. But when you not complete the inputing you'll get the notice
//Explaning about the Scripts:
- decimal NIS; decimal mean the input only for Numbers, NIS is a name of variable string inside setError mean for notice when error input, like