1. Comment 1. Function main() Include command/statement that will process with computer, example Function main() on C# languange: static void Main (string[]args) 2. Command(statement) Use for commanding computer to do specific task, example command inside C# language: Console.WriteLine("Hello World. . ."); 3. Keyword (using) If you use function Console.WriteLine(), you must give sign to computer library file which recorded Console.WriteLine(). to give sign write using System; on early of program code. command using System; indicates that user will use all things inside library System. 4. Comment for including words without process with computer, you must give a comment statement. comment usefull when the programming forget about his/her made, // comment for 1 line /* comment for more than 1 line*/ 5. Parenthesis Brace Parenthesis brace using for start and stop the statement, example class Program { static void Main (string[]args) // this function of main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World. . ."); } } 2. Variable and Type Data Variable is a place for keep the data. for example, when you want caculate block volume, long, width, height and volume from that will saved inside variable. Declaration of Variable is a command for computer to provide the variable which will be used. for example user commanding computer for provide variable of long, width, height and volume. that Variable will be use for saving data number (integer)/ 3. Rule of naming Variable 1. name of Variable consist of letters, number, and underscore "_". 2. the First character of name, must letter. 3. uppercase and lowercase is different (case Sensitive) 4. can't use Program keywords (ex. using)
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