Selasa, 03 September 2013

Input and Output on ASP.Net

There's 2 kinds of Input and Output on ASP.Net, Without TryParse() and with

1. Without TryParse();

Try to practice it with make a New Project, you can use your old Folder project
with right clicking on 'Solution'

Name it 'InputOutput' and you will focused on Program.cs part of InputOutput
Insert this method, or whatever with your own style
and Run it Ctrl + F5, input your form and look the output
2. With TryParse(); Try to practice it again make a New Project, you can use your old Folder project with right clicking on 'Solution'. Becouse we want use TryParse, make it different than before Name it 'InputOut putTryParse' and you will focused on Program.cs part of InputOutputTryParse
Insert this method, or whatever with your own style
and Run it Ctrl + F5, input your numbers and look the output
float.TryParse(input, out height); is function used to be string values can converted to desired type.


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